H8446 - new English-Greek & Hebrew Index and Concordance

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Numbers 10:33 to seek H8446 H8800
Numbers 13:2 that they may search H8446 H8799
Numbers 13:16 to spy out H8446 H8800
Numbers 13:17 them to spy out H8446 H8800
Numbers 13:21 and searched H8446 H8799
Numbers 13:25 from searching H8446 H8800
Numbers 13:32 which they had searched H8446 H8804
Numbers 13:32 to search H8446 H8800
Numbers 14:6 who were of them that searched H8446 H8802
Numbers 14:7 through to search H8446 H8800
Numbers 14:34 in which ye searched H8446 H8804
Numbers 14:36 to search H8446 H8800
Numbers 14:38 to search H8446 H8800
Numbers 15:39 them; and that ye seek H8446 H8799
Deuteronomy 1:33 you, to search out H8446 H8800
Judges 1:23 sent to spy out H8446 H8686
1 Kings 10:15 Besides what he had of the merchants, H582 H8446 H8802
2 Chronicles 9:14 Besides that which traders H582 H8446 H8802
Proverbs 12:26 is more excellent H8446 H8686
Ecclesiastes 1:13 and search out H8446 H8800
Ecclesiastes 2:3 I sought H8446 H8804
Ecclesiastes 7:25 and to search, H8446 H8800
Ezekiel 20:6 that I had searched out H8446 H8804

Distinct usage

3 to search
1 to spy out
1 them to spy out
1 and searched
1 from searching
1 who were of them that searched
1 them; and that ye seek
1 is more excellent
1 and search out
1 I sought
1 and to search,
1 Besides what he had of the merchants,
1 Besides that which traders
1 in which ye searched
1 that they may search
1 which they had searched
1 through to search
1 to seek
1 you, to search out
1 sent to spy out
1 that I had searched out