Revelation 6:12-15

Wycliffe(i) 12 And Y say, whanne he hadde openyd the sixte seel, and lo! a greet erthe mouyng was maad; and the sunne was maad blak, as a sak of heire, and al the moone was maad as blood. 13 And the sterris of heuene felden doun on the erthe, as a fige tre sendith his vnripe figis, whanne it is mouyd of a greet wynd. 14 And heuene wente awei, as a book wlappid in; and alle munteyns and ilis weren mouyd fro her placis. 15 And kingis of the erthe, and princis, and tribunes, and riche, and stronge, and ech bonde man, and freman, hidden hem in dennys and stoonys of hillis.