Ezekiel 8:9-18

Wycliffe(i) 9 And he seide to me, Entre thou, and se the worste abhomynaciouns, whiche these men doon here. 10 And Y entride, and siy; and lo! ech licnesse of `crepynge beestis, and abhomynacioun of beestis, and alle idols of the hous of Israel, weren peyntid in the wal al aboute in cumpas. 11 And seuenti men of the eldere of the hous of Israel stoden; and Jeconye, the sone of Saphan, stood in the myddis of hem, stondynge bifore the peyntyngis; and ech man hadde a censere in his hond, and the smoke of a cloude of encense stiede. 12 And he seide to me, Certis, sone of man, thou seest what thingis the eldere men of the hous of Israel doen in derknessis, ech man in the hid place of his bed; for thei seiyn, The Lord seeth not vs, the Lord hath forsake the lond. 13 And the Lord seide to me, Yit thou schalt turne, and schalt se gretter abhomynaciouns, whiche these men doon. 14 And he ledde me with ynne, bi the dore of the yate of the hous of the Lord, which dore bihelde to the north; and lo! wymmen saten there, biweilynge Adonydes. 15 And the Lord seide to me, Certis, sone of man, thou hast seyn; yit thou schalt turne, and schalt se gretere abhomynaciouns than these. 16 And he ledde me with ynne, in to the ynnere halle of the hous of the Lord; and lo! in the dore of the temple of the Lord, bitwixe the porche and the auter, weren as fyue and twenti men hauynge the backis ayens the temple of the Lord, and her faces to the eest; and thei worschipiden at the risyng of the sunne. 17 And the Lord seide to me, Certis, sone of man, thou hast seyn; whether this is a liyt thing to the hous of Juda, that thei schulden do these abhomynaciouns, whiche thei diden here? For thei filliden the lond with wickidnesse, and turneden to terre me to wraththe; and lo! thei applien a braunche to her nose thirlis. 18 Therfor and Y schal do in strong veniaunce; myn iye schal not spare, nether Y schal do merci; and whanne thei schulen crie to myn eris with greet vois, Y schal not here hem.