Exodus 27:1-7

Wycliffe(i) 1 Also thou schalt make an auter of the trees of Sechym, which schal haue fyue cubitis in lengthe, and so many in brede, that is, sqware, and thre cubitis in heiythe. 2 Forsothe hornes schulen be bi foure corneris therof; and thou schalt hile it with bras. 3 And thou schalt make in to the vsis of the auter pannes, to resseyue aischis, and tongis, and fleisch hookis, and resettis of fyris; thou schalt make alle vessilis of bras. 4 And thou schalt make a brasun gridele in the maner of a net, and bi four corneris therof schulen be foure brasun ryngis, 5 whiche thou schalt putte vndur the yrun panne of the auter; and the gridele schal be til to the myddis of the auter. 6 And thou schalt make twey barris of the auter, of the trees of Sechym, whiche barris thou schalt hile with platis of bras; 7 and thou schalt lede yn `the barris bi the cerclis, and tho schulen be on euer eithir side of the auter, to bere.