1 Samuel 31:3-6

Wycliffe(i) 3 And al the weiyte of batel was turned `in to Saul; and men archeris pursueden hym, and he was woundid greetli of the archeris. 4 And Saul seide to his squyer, Drawe out thi swerd, and sle me, lest perauenture these vncircumcidid men come, and sle me, and scorne me. And his squyer nolde, for he was aferd bi ful grete drede; therfor Saul took his swerd, and felde theronne. 5 And whanne his squyer hadde seyn this, `that is, that Saul was deed, also he felde on his swerd and was deed with hym. 6 Therfor Saul was deed, and hise thre sones, and his squyer, and alle his men in that dai togidere.