1 For I have definitely decided not to pay you another painful visit.
2 For if I make you sad, who is there to make me glad but the very man who has been made sad by me?
3 This is the very thing I wrote you, that when I did come I might not be made sad by the very people who ought to make me glad, for I had confidence in you all that my gladness would be gladness to you all.
4 For out of great sorrow and distress of heart, yes, while shedding many tears, I wrote you, not to make you sad but to make you realize that my love for you continues running over.
5 But if anyone has made anyone sad, it is not I, but you that he has made sad, at least, some of you, not to be severe on all of you.
6 To a man like that, this censure by the majority has been sufficient punishment,
7 so you must do the opposite, freely forgive and comfort him, to keep him from being overwhelmed by his excessive sadness.
8 So I beg you in your love to reinstate him entirely.
9 For this is why I wrote you, to see if you would stand the test, to see if you would be obedient in everything.
10 The man that you forgive I too forgive. For if I have forgiven him anything, it is what I have forgiven him in the very presence of Christ for your sake,
11 to keep us from being worsted by Satan, for we know what his intentions are.