11 it is so because the message that you have heard from the beginning is this: We should love one another.
12 We must not be like Cain who belonged to the evil one and butchered his brother. And why did he butcher him? Because his own actions were wicked and his brother's upright.
13 You must not be surprised, brothers, if the world hates you.
14 We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love our brothers. Whoever does not continue to love continues still in death.
15 Anyone who keeps on hating his brother is a murderer; and you know that no murderer can have eternal life remaining in him.
16 We know what love is from the fact that He laid down His life for us; and so we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.
17 But if anyone has the world's means of supporting life and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how can love to God remain in him?
18 Dear children, let us stop loving with words or lips alone, but let us love with actions and in truth.
19 In this way we shall know by experience that we are on the side of the truth, and satisfy our consciences in God's sight,