1 [Note:Venit i[o]hannes baptista. Corp. Ðys sceal on wodnes-dæg on þære þryddan wucan ær myddan-wyntra. A.B. Uenit iohannes baptista predicans in deserto. A.] On þam dagum com iohannes se fulluhtere. & bodude on þam westene iudee.
2 & cwæð; Doþ dæd-bote. soðlice genealæceð heofona rice;
3 Ðis ys së be þam þe gecweden ys. þurh esaiam ðone witegan; Clypiendes stefn wæs on westene. gegearwiað drihtnes weg. doþ his siðas rihte;
4 Se iohannes witodlice hæfde reaf of olfenda hærum & fellenne gyrdel embe hys lendenu. & hys mete wæs gærstapan. & wudu-hunig;
5 Ða ferde to him hierosolim-waru. & eal iudea-ðeod. & eal þt rice wið-geondan iordanen.
6 & hi wæron gefullode on iordanë fram him. & hi andettan hyra synna;
7 Soðlice þa he geseh manega þæra sunder-halgena & þæra riht-wisendra to his fulluhte cumende. he cwæð to him; La næddrena cyn. hwa geswutelode eow to fleonne fram þan toweardan yrre;
8 Eornostlice doþ medemne weastm þære dæd-bote.
9 & ne cweþað betwux eow. we habbað abraham us to fæder; Soþlice ic secge eow þt god ys swa mihtig þt he mæg of þysum stanum aweccean abrahames bearn;
10 Eallunga ys seo æx to ðæra treowa wurtrumum asett; Eornustlice ælc treow þe gödne wæstm ne bringð. byð forcorfen & on fyr aworpen;
11 Witodlice ic eow fullige on wætere to dæd-bote; Se þe æfter me töwerd ys he ys strengra þonne ic; Ðæs gescÿ neom ic wyrðe to berenne; He eow fullað on halgum gaste. & on fyre.
12 Ðæs fann. ys on his handa. & he afeormað his þyrscel-flore. & he gegaderað hys hwæte on his bern. þa ceafu he forbærnð on ünadwæscendlicum fyre;