Matthew 13:3-11

WestSaxon990(i) 3 & he spræc to hym fela on big-spellum cweþende; Soþlice ut-eode se sædere hys sæd to sawenne 4 & þa þa he seow. sume hig feollon wiþ weg. & fuglas comun & æton þä; 5 Soþlice sume feollon on stænihte þær hyt næfde mycle eorþan. & hrædlice up-sprungon for-þam þe hig næfdon þære eorþan dypan; 6 Soþlice upsprungenre sunnan hig adruwudon & forscruncon. for þam þe hig næfdon wyrtrum; 7 Soþlice sume feollon on þornas. & þa þornas weoxon & for-þrysmudon þa. 8 sume soþlice feollon on gode eorþan & sealdon weastm. sum hund-fealdne. sum sixtig-fealdne. sum þrittig-fealdne; 9 Se þe hæbbe earan to gehyrenne gehyre. 10 & þa genealæhton his leorning-cnihtas & cwædon to hym. for hwig spycst þu to hym mid big-spellum; 11 Ða andswarode he hym forþam þe eow is geseald to witanne heofena rices gerynu. & him nys na geseald;