Daniel 2:40-44

  40 H7244 And the fourth H4437 kingdom H1934 [H8748] shall be H8624 strong H6523 as iron H6523 : forasmuch as iron H1855 [H8683] breaketh in pieces H2827 [H8751] and subdueth H3606 all H6903 things: and as H6523 iron H7490 [H8750] that breaketh H3606 all H459 these H1855 [H8681] , shall it break in pieces H7490 [H8748] and bruise.
  41 H2370 [H8754] And though thou sawest H7271 the feet H677 and toes H4481 , part H6353 of potters H2635 ' clay H4481 , and part H6523 of iron H4437 , the kingdom H1934 [H8748] shall be H6386 [H8752] divided H4481 0 ; but H1934 [H8748] there shall be H4481 in it of H5326 the strength H6523 of the iron H3606 H6903 , forasmuch as H2370 [H8754] thou sawest H6523 the iron H6151 [H8743] mixed H2917 with the miry H2635 clay.
  42 H677 And as the toes H7271 of the feet H4481 were part H6523 of iron H4481 , and part H2635 of clay H4437 , so the kingdom H1934 [H8748] shall be H4481 H7118 partly H8624 strong H4481 H7118 , and partly H8406 [H8750] broken.
  43 H1768 And though H2370 [H8754] thou sawest H6523 iron H6151 [H8743] mixed H2917 with miry H2635 clay H1934 H6151 [H8748] , they shall mingle themselves H2234 with the seed H606 of men H1934 [H8748] : but they shall H3809 not H1693 [H8751] join H1836 one H5974 to H1836 another H1888 , even H6523 as iron H3809 is not H6151 [H8723] mixed H2635 with clay.
  44 H3118 And in the days H581 of these H4430 kings H426 shall the God H8065 of heaven H6966 [H8681] set up H4437 a kingdom H5957 H3809 , which shall never H2255 [H8721] be destroyed H4437 : and the kingdom H3809 shall not H7662 [H8721] be left H321 to other H5972 people H1855 [H8681] , but it shall break in pieces H5487 [H8681] and consume H3606 all H459 these H4437 kingdoms H1932 , and it H6966 [H8748] shall stand H5957 for ever.