Isaiah 35:1-4

  1 H4057 The wilderness H6723 and the dry land H7797 will be glad. H6160 The desert H1523 will rejoice H6524 and blossom H2261 like a rose.
  2 H6524 It will blossom H6524 abundantly, H1523 and rejoice H1525 even with joy H7444 and singing. H3844 Lebanon's H3519 glory H5414 Lebanon will be given H1926 to it, the excellence H3760 of Carmel H8289 and Sharon. H7200 They will see H3068 Yahweh's H3519 glory, H1926 the excellence H430 of our God.
  3 H2388 Strengthen H7504 the weak H3027 hands, H553 and make firm H3782 the feeble H1290 knees.
  4 H559 Tell H4116 those who have a fearful H3820 heart, H2388 "Be strong. H3372 Don't be afraid. H430 Behold, your God H935 will come H5359 with vengeance, H430 God's H1576 retribution. H935 He will come H3467 and save you.