18 and knowest his will and hast experience of good and bad in that thou arte informed by the lawe:
19 and belevest that thou thy silfe arte a gyde vnto the blynde a lyght to them which are in darcknes
20 an informer of them which lacke discrecio a teacher of vnlearned which hast the ensample of that which ought to be knowen and of the truth in the lawe.
21 But thou which teachest another teachest not thy selfe. Thou preachest a man shuld not steale: and yet thou stealest.
22 Thou sayst a man shuld not commit advoutry: and thou breakest wedlocke. Thou abhorrest ymages and robbest God of his honoure.
23 Thou reioysest in the lawe and thorow breakinge the lawe dishonourest God.
24 For the name of god is evyll spoken of amonge the Gentyls thorowe you as it is written.
25 Circumcisio verely avayleth if thou kepe the lawe. But if thou breake the lawe thy circumcision is made vncircumcision.
26 Therfore if the vncircumcised kepe the ryght thinges contayned in the lawe: shall not his vncircumcision be counted for circumcision?
27 And shall not vncircumcision which is by nature (yf it kepe the lawe) iudge the which beynge vnder the letter and circumcision dost transgresse the lawe?
28 For he is not a Iewe which is a Iewe out warde. Nether is that thynge circumcision which is outwarde in the flesshe.
29 But he is a Iewe which is hid wythin and the circucisio of ye herte is the true circumcision which is in the sprete and not in ye letter whose prayse is not of men but of god.