Numbers 21:26-30

Tyndale(i) 26 For Esbon was the citie of Sihon the kinge of the Amorites which Sihon had fought before with the kinge of the Moabites ad had taken all his londe out of his hande euen vnto Arnon. 27 Wherfore it is a prouerbe: goo to Hesbo and let the citie of Sihon be bylt ad made 28 redye for there is a fyre gone out of Hesbon and a flame fro the citie of Siho ad hath cosumed Ar of the Moabites and the men of the hylles of Arnon. 29 Wo be to the Moab: o people of Chemos ye are forloren. His sonnes are put to flighte and his doughters brought captyue vnto Sihon kinge of the Amorites. 30 There lighte is out from Hesbon vnto Sihon and we made a wildernesse euen vnto Nopha whiche reacheth vnto Mediba.