1 I therfore which am in bondes for the lordes sake exhorte you that ye walke worthy of the vocacion wherwith ye are called
2 in all humblenes of mynde and meknes and longe sufferynge forbearinge one another thorowe love
3 and that ye be dyliget to kepe ye vnitie of ye sprete in the bonde of peace
4 beynge one body and one sprete eve as ye are called in one hope of youre callynge.
5 Let ther be but one lorde one fayth one baptim:
6 one god and father of all which is above all thorow all and in you all.
7 Vnto every one of vs is geven grace acordinge to the measure of ye gyft of christ.
8 Wherfore he sayth: He is gone vp an hye and hath ledde captivitie captive and hath geven gyftes vnto men.