Deuteronomy 32:15-27

Tyndale(i) 15 And Israel waxed fatt and kyked. Thou wast fatt, thicke and smothe, And he let God goo that made hi and despysed the rocke that saued him. 16 They angred him with strauge goddes ad with abhominacions prouoked him. 17 They offered vnto feldedeuels and not to God, ad to goddes which they knewe not ad to newe goddes that came newly vpp whiche their fathers feared not. 18 Of the rocke that begat the thou arte vnmyndefull and hast forgott God that made the. 19 And when the Lorde sawe it, he was angre because of the prouokynge of his sonnes and doughters. 20 And he sayed: I will hyde my face from the and will se what their ende shall be. For they are a froward generacion ad childern in who is no fayth. 21 They haue angred me with that whiche is no god, and prouoked me with their vanities And I agayne will angre them with the whiche are no people, and will prouoke the with a foelish nacion. 22 For fire is kyndled in my wrath, ad shal burne vnto the botome of heell. And shall consume the erth with her encrease, and set a fire the botoms of the mountaynes. 23 I will hepe myscheues vpon the ad will spede all myne arowes at them. 24 Burnt with hungre ad consumed with heet and with bitter pestilence. I will also sende the tethe of beestes vppon them and poyson serpentes. 25 Without forth, the swerde shall robbe the off theire childern: and wythin in the chamber, feare: both younge men and younge wemen and the suckelynges with the me of gray heedes. 26 I haue determened to scater the therowout the worlde, ad to make awaye the remebraunce ofthem from amonge men. 27 Were it not that I feared the raylynge off their enemyes, lest theire aduersaries wolde be prowde and saye: oure hye hande hath done al these workes and not the Lorde.