36 Ther was at Ioppe a certayne woma (whiche was a disciple named Tabitha which by interpretacion is called dorcas) the same was full of good workes and almes dedes which she did.
37 And it chaunsed in those dayes that she was sicke and dyed. When they had wesshed her and layd her in a chamber:
38 38Because Lydda was nye to Ioppa and the disciples had hearde that Peter was there they sent vnto hym desyrynge him that he wolde not be greved to come vnto them.
39 Peter arose and came with them and when he was come they brought him in to ye chamber. And all ye wydowes stode roude aboute hym wepynge and shewynge the cotes and garmentes which Dorcas made whill she was with the.
40 And Peter put the all forth and kneled doune and prayde and turned him to ye body and sayde: Tabitha aryse. And she opened her eyes and whe she sawe Peter she sat vp.
41 And he gave her ye honde and lyft her up and called the sainctes and wydowes and shewed her alyve.