Acts 8:5-25

Tyndale(i) 5 Then came Philip into a cite of Samaria and preached Christ vnto them. 6 And the people gave hede vnto those thinges which Philip spake with one acorde in that they hearde and sawe the miracles which he dyd. 7 For vnclene spretes cryinge with loude voyce came out of many that were possessed of them. And manye taken with palsies and many yt halted were healed 8 And ther was great ioye in that cite. 9 And ther was a certayne man called Simon which before tyme in the same cite vsed witche crafte and bewitched the people of Samarie sayinge that he was a man yt coulde do greate thinges 10 Whom they regarded from ye lest to the greatest sayinge: this felow is the great power of God. 11 And him they set moche by because of longe tyme with sorcery he had mocked the. 12 But assone as they beleved Philippes preachynge of the kyngdome of God and of the name of Iesu Christ they were baptised bothe men and wemen. 13 Then Simon him selfe beleved also and was baptised and cotinued with Phillip and wondered beholdynge the miracles and signes which were shewed. 14 When ye Apostles which were at Ierusalem hearde saye that Samaria had receaved ye worde of God: they sent vnto the Peter and Iohn 15 which when they were come prayed for the that they myght receave ye holy goost 16 For as yet he was come on none of them: But they were baptised only in the name of Christ Iesu. 17 Then layde they their hondes on them and they receaved the holy goost. 18 When Simo sawe that thorowe layinge on of the Apostles hondes on them the holy goost was geven: he offered the money 19 sayinge: Geve me also this power that on whom soever I put the hondes he maye receave the holy goost. 20 Then sayde Peter vnto him: thy monye perysh with the because thou wenest that the gifte of God maye be obteyned wt money. 21 Thou hast nether parte nor felloushippe in this busines. For thy hert is not ryght in the syght of God. 22 Repent therfore of this thy wickednes and praye God that ye thought of thyne hert maye be forgeven the. 23 For I perceave that thou arte full of bitter gall and wrapped in iniquite. 24 Then answered Simon and sayde: Praye ye to the lorde for me yt none of these thinges whiche ye have spoken fall on me. 25 And they whe they had testified and preached the worde of the lorde returned toward Ierusalem and preached the gospell in many cities of the Samaritas.