7 And on the morowe after the saboth daye the disciples came to geder for to breake breed and Paul preached vnto them (redy to departe on the morowe) and cotinued the preachynge vnto mydnyght.
8 And there were many lyghtes in the chamber where thy were gaddered to geder
9 and there sate in a wyndowe a certayne yonge man named Eutichos fallen into a depe slepe. And as Paul declared he was the moare overcome with slepe and fell doune from the thyrde lofte and was taken vp deed.
10 Paul went doune and fell on him and embrased him and sayde: make nothinge ado for his lyfe is in him.
11 When he was come vp agayne he brake breed and tasted and comened a longe whyle even tyll the mornynge and so departed.
12 And they brought the youge man a lyve and were not alytell comforted.