Acts 19:23-28

Tyndale(i) 23 The same tyme ther arose no lytell a do aboute that waye. 24 For a certayne man named Demetrius a silvermyth which made silver schrynes for Diana was not a lytell beneficiall vnto the craftes men. 25 Which he called to geder with the worke men of lyke occupacion and sayd: Syrs ye knowe that by this crafte we have vauntage. 26 Moreover ye se and heare that not alone at Ephesus but almost thorowe oute all Asia this Paul hath persuaded and turned awaye moche people saying yt they be not goddes which are made wt hondes. 27 So that not only this oure crafte cometh into parell to be set at nought: but also that ye temple of ye greate goddas Diana shuld be despysed and her magnificence shuld be destroyed which all Asia and the worlde worshippeth. 28 When they hearde these sayinges they were full of wrathe and cryed out saying: Greate is Diana of the Ephesians.