13 And ther came a voyce to him: ryse Peter kyll and eate.
14 But Peter sayde: God forbyd Lorde for I have never eaten eny thinge that is comen or vnclene.
15 And the voyce spake vnto him agayne the seconde tyme: what God hath clensed that make thou not comen.
16 This was done thryse and the vessell was receaved vp agayne into heven.
17 Whyle Peter mused in him selfe what this vision which he had sene meant beholde the men which were sent from Cornelius had made inquirance for Simons housse and stode before the dore.
18 And called out won and axed whether Simon which was also called Peter were lodged there.
19 Whyll Peter thought on this vision the sprete sayde vnto him: Beholde men seke the: