2 Corinthians 7:9-16

Tyndale(i) 9 But I now reioyce not that ye were sory but that ye so sorowed that ye repented. For ye sorowed godly: so yt in nothynge ye were hurte by vs. 10 For godly sorowe causeth repentaunce vnto salvacion not to be repented of: when worldly sorow causeth deeth. 11 Beholde what diligence this godly sorowe that ye toke hath wrought in you: yee it caused you to cleare youre selves. It caused indignacion it caused feare yt caused desyre it caused a fervent mynde it caused punysshment. For in all thynges ye have shewed youreselues that ye were cleare in that matter. 12 Wherfore though I wrote vnto you I did it not for his cause that did hurte nether for his cause that was hurte: but that oure good mynde whych we have towarde you in the sight of god myght appere vnto you. 13 Therfore we are comforted because ye are comforted: yee and excedyngly the moare ioyed we for the ioye that Titus had: because his sprete was refresshed of you all. 14 I a therfor not now ashamed though I bosted my sylfe to hym of you. For as all thynges which I preached vnto you are true even so is oure bostynge that I bosted my silfe to Titus wt all founde true. 15 And now is his inwarde affection more aboundant towarde you when he remembreth the obedience of every one of you: how with feare and trymblynge ye receaved hym. 16 I reioyce that I maye be bolde over you in all thynges.