1 Peter 4:12-19

Tyndale(i) 12 Dearly beloved be not troubled in this heate which now is come amoge you to trye you as though some strauge thinge had happened vnto you: 13 but reioyce in as moche as ye are partetakers of Christes passions that when his glory appereth ye maye be mery and glad. 14 If ye be rayled vpon for the name of Christ happie are ye. For the sprete of glory and the sprete of god resteth apon you. On their parte he is evyll spoken of: but on youre parte he is glorified. 15 Se that none of you suffre as a murtherer or as a thefe or an evyll doar or as a busybody in other mens matters. 16 Yf eny man suffre as a Christe man let him not be ashamed: but let him glorifie god on his behalfe. 17 For the tyme is come that iudgement must begynne at the housse of god. If it fyrst begynne at vs what shall the ende be of them which beleve not the gospell of god? 18 And yf the righteous scasly be saved: where shall the vngodly and the sinner appere?