16 Ys not the cuppe of blessinge which we blesse partakynge of ye bloude of Christ? ys not the breed which we breake partetakynge of the body of Christ?
17 because that we (though we be many) yet are one breed and one bodye in as moch as we all are partetakers of one breed.
18 Beholde Israhell which walketh carnally. Are not they which eate of the sacrifyse partetakers of the aultre?
19 What saye I then? that the ymage is eny thinge? or that it which is offered to ymages is eny thinge?
20 Nay but I saye that those thinges which the gentyle offer they offer to devyls and not to god. And I wolde not that ye shuld have fellishippe with ye devils
21 Ye canot drincke of the cup of the lorde and of yt cup of ye deuyls. Ye cnanot be partetakers of the lordes table and of the table of deuelles.