14 and Chaleb son of Jephonne had driven out thence the three sons of Enak, Sousi, and Tholami, and Achima.
15 And when Chaleb went up thence, against the inhabitants of Dabir, [now the name of Dabir formerly was The City of Letters] Chaleb said,
16 Whoever will take the city of letters and subdue it, I will give him my daughter Aschan for a wife.
17 Whereupon Gothoniel son of Chenez, Chaleb's brother took it. So he gave him his daughter Aschan for a wife.
18 And as she was going out to him she consulted with him, saying, Let me ask a field of my father. And when she had cried aloud from the ass, and Chaleb said to her, What is the matter with thee?
19 she said to him, Give me a blessing. Seeing thou hast sent me to the land of Nageb, give me Botthanis. So he gave her the upper and lower Gonaithla.