8 And he said to me, This water which is flowing out to the eastern part of Galilee, hath indeed gone down to Arabia, and hath come to the sea to the water of the outlet, and it will heal the waters;
9 so that every of the animals which breed in all the places whithersoever the stream cometh, shall live, and there shall be fish there in great abundance, Because this water is come there and healeth, therefore they shall live. Every thing to which the stream cometh shall live.
10 And fishermen shall there take a stand, from Engadin to Enagallim. There shall be a place for drying nets. The nets shall be of a peculiar kind; and the fishes thereof shall be like the fishes of the great sea; a very great multitude.
11 But when it is forced from its channel and when it is turned from its course, and when it is caused to swell immoderately, the waters will not heal. They are turned into salt.