Deuteronomy 6:1-3

Thomson(i) 1 Now these are the commandments, and the rules of rectitude, and the judgments, which the Lord our God commanded you to be taught, that you may act conformably thereto in the land to which you are going, there to take possession of it; 2 that you may fear the Lord your God. You shall keep all his statutes, and his commandments, which I this day command you, both thou, and thy children, and thy children's children, all the days of thy life, that you may live many days. 3 Therefore hear, Israel, and be careful to perform; that it may be well with thee, and that you may be greatly multiplied, as the Lord, the God of thy fathers, hath promised to give thee a land flowing with milk and honey. These indeed are the rules of rectitude, and the judgments, which the Lord gave in charge to the children of Israel, in the wilderness, on their coming out of the land of Egypt.