19 and being higher in rank than any of the three, he became their chief, though he did not come up to those three.
20 Banaias also, son of Jodae, of Kabeseel, was a man renowned for exploits. He smote the two sons of Ariel the Moabite. He went down also, and smote a lion in the midst of the pit on a snowy day.
21 He smote also an Egyptian, a man of great stature. Though the Egyptian had in his hand a spear like the side of a ladder, he went down to him with a staff, and wresting the spear out of the hand of the Egyptian, he killed him with his own spear.
22 These exploits Banaias son of Jodae performed, and had a name among the three worthies.
23 He was higher in rank than any of the three, though he did not come up to the three. And David appointed him Auditor.
24 These also were the names of king David's worthies, Asael the brother of Joab, he was among the thirty, Eleanon son of Dudi, who married his brother's wife at Bethlehem;
25 Saima the Rudite;
26 Selles the Kelothite; Iras of Iska, the Thekoite;
27 Abiezer the Anothite, another of the sons of the Anothites;
28 Ellon the Aoite; Neere the Netophatite;
29 Esthai son of Riba of Gabaeth; son of Benjamin the Ephrathite; Asmoth the Bardiamite; Emasu the Salabonite;
30 Adroi of the brooks;
31 Gadabiel son of the Arabothite;
32 son Asan; son Jonathan;
33 Samnan the Aradite; Amnan son of Arai the Saraouite;
34 Aliphaleth son of Asbites; son of the Machachite; Eliab son of Achitophel the Gelonite;
35 Asarai the Karmelite, of Ouraioerchi;
36 Gaal son of Nathana; Poludunameos son of Galaaddi; Elie the Ammonite;
37 Gelore the Bethorite, the armour bearer of Joab, son of Saruia;
38 Iras the Etherite; Gerab the Ethinite;
39 Ourias the Chettite. They were thirty seven in all.