1 Chronicles 29:10-20

Thomson(i) 10 and blessed the Lord in the presence of the assembly, saying, Blessed art thou Lord God of Israel, our Father, from everlasting to everlasting. 11 To thee, Lord, be ascribed greatness, and power, and exultation, and victory, and majesty; for thou hast dominion over all things in heaven and on earth. At thy presence every king and nation is struck with awe. 12 From thee come riches and glory; Thou, Lord, rulest over all. Thou art the head of all dominion, and in thy hand is majesty and power. And by thy hand, Almighty Sovereign, all things are made great and strong. 13 Now therefore, Lord, to thee we render thanks; and we praise thy glorious name. 14 But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be enabled to shew such liberality to thee. For all things are thine and of thine own we have given thee. 15 For we before thee are strangers and sojourners as all our fathers were. Our days on earth are like a shadow and there is no fixed abiding. 16 Lord our God, all this store which I have provided for building a house to thy holy name is from thy bounty, and belongeth all to thee. 17 As I know, O Lord, that thou triest hearts and lovest righteousness, I have with singleness of heart freely offered all these things, and have now seen with joy all thy people who are here present freely offering to thee. 18 Lord, the God of Abraham and Isaak and Israel our fathers, keep these things forever in the thoughts of the hearts of thy people and direct their hearts to thee, 19 and give to my son Solomon a good heart to execute all thy commandments, and thy testimonies, and thy statutes, and that he may finish completely the structure of thy house. 20 Then David said to all the congregation, Bless ye the Lord our God. And all the congregation blessed the Lord the God of their fathers, and with bended knees made a reverence to the Lord and to the king.