Romans 15:7-12

Rotherham(i) 7 Wherefore receive ye one another, even as, Christ also, hath received us unto the glory of God:–– 8 For I affirm Christ to have become a minister of circumcision in behalf of the truth of God,––to confirm the promises of the fathers, 9 And that, the nations, for mercy should glorify God:––even as it is written––For this cause, will I openly confess unto thee among nations, and, unto thy name, will strike the strings; 10 And again he saith––Be glad ye nations with his people; 11 And again,––Be giving praise all ye nations unto the Lord, and let all the peoples repeat his praise; 12 And, again, Isaiah, saith––There shall be the root of Jesse, and he that ariseth to rule nations,––upon, him, shall nations hope.