Genesis 41:16-25

Rotherham(i) 16 And Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, Not to me, doth it pertain! May, God, grant in answer, the prosperity of Pharaoh!
17 Then spake Pharaoh unto Joseph,––In my dream, there was I, standing on the lip of the river; 18 When lo! out of the river, were coming up seven heifers, fat in flesh, and comely in form,––and they fed among the rushes. 19 And lo! seven other heifers, coming up after them, poor, and very uncomely in form, and lean in flesh,––I had never seen such, in all the land of Egypt, for uncomeliness. 20 Then did the lean and uncomely heifers, eat up, the first seven, fat heifers; 21 and they passed into their stomach, yet could it not be known that they had passed into them, their appearance, being uncomely, as at the beginning. So I awoke. 22 Then looked I in my dream,––And lo! seven ears, coming up on one stalk, full and good; 23 And lo! seven ears, withered, lean, shrivelled by an east wind, growing up after them. 24 Then did the lean ears, swallow up, the seven good ears. So I told [these things] unto the sacred scribes, but there was none that could explain [them] to me. 25 Then said Joseph unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh, is, one. What God is about to do hath he announced to Pharaoh.