Hebrews 10:32-39

Riverside(i) 32 Remember the early days in which, after being enlightened, you endured a great struggle with sufferings, 33 at one time made a public spectacle by reproaches and distresses, at another time making common cause with those who were thus treated. 34 For you even suffered with the prisoners and accepted the plundering of your property with joy, knowing that you had a better and enduring possession. 35 Do not, then, cast away your confidence, for it will have a great reward. 36 You have need of patience so that after doing the will of God you may gain the promised blessing. 37 For yet "a little, very little, while, and he who is coming will come and will not delay. 38 My righteous man will live by faith; but if he shrinks back, my soul has no delight in him." 39 But we are not of those who shrink back and perish, but of those who have faith and will win their souls.