1 Jehovah said to me: »I would not feel sorry for these people, even if Moses and Samuel were standing in front of me. Send them away from my presence, and let them go.
2 »When they ask you where they should go, say to them: This is what Jehovah says: Those who are to die will die. Those who are to die in wars will die in wars. Those who are to die in famines will die in famines. Those who are to die in captivity will die in captivity.
3 »I will appoint over them four kinds of punishment, declares Jehovah. I will send swords to kill, dogs to drag away, and birds of the air and animals of the earth to devour and destroy.
4 »I will make these people a horrifying (shocking) sight to all the kingdoms on the earth. This will happen because of what Judah's King Manasseh, son of Hezekiah, did in Jerusalem.
5 »Who will take pity on you, Jerusalem? No one will mourn for you. No one will bother to ask how you are doing.
6 »You left me, declares Jehovah. You turned your back on me. So I will stretch out my hand against you (use my power against you) and destroy you. I am tired of showing compassion to you.