5 As I was in Joppa, praying, I saw in vision, that a certain vessel descended, which was like a sheet, and it was tied at its four corners; and it descended from heaven and came to me.
6 And I looked upon it, and I saw that in it were fourfooted animals, and reptiles of the earth, and fowls of heaven.
7 And I heard a voice, which said to me: Simon, arise slay and eat.
8 And I said: Far be it, my Lord. For never hath any thing polluted or unclean entered my mouth.
9 And again, a voice from heaven said to me: What God hath cleansed, make thou not unclean.
10 And this was done three times: and the whole was taken up to heaven.
11 And at the same instant, three men, who were sent to me by Cornelius from Caesarea, came and stood at the gate of the court where I lodged.
12 And the Spirit said to me: Go with them, without hesitation. And these six brethren went also with me, and we entered the man's house.
13 And he related to us, how he had seen an angel in his house, who stood and said to him: Send to the city of Joppa, and bring Simon who is called Cephas;
14 and he will utter to thee discourses, by which thou wilt live, thou and all thy house.