11 Now I ask, have they stumbled to their ruin? Never! The truth is, that by their lapse salvation has passed to the Gentiles, so as to make them jealous.
12 Well, if their lapse has enriched the world, if their defection is the gain of the Gentiles, what will it mean when they all come in?
13 I tell you this, you Gentiles, that as an apostle to the Gentiles I lay great stress on my office,
14 in the hope of being able to make my fellow-Jews jealous and of managing thus to save some of them.
15 For if their exclusion means that the world is reconciled to God, what will their admission mean? Why, it will be life from the dead!
16 If the first handful of dough is consecrated, so is the rest of the lump; if the root is consecrated, so are the branches.
17 Supposing some of the branches have been broken off, while you have been grafted in like a shoot of wild olive to share the rich growth of the olive-stem,
18 do not pride yourself at the expense of these branches. Remember, in your pride, the stem supports you, not you the stem.
19 You will say, "But branches were broken off to let me be grafted in!"
20 Granted. They were broken off — for their lack of faith. And you owe your position to your faith. You should feel awed instead of being uplifted.
21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.
22 Consider both the kindness and the severity of God; those who fall come under his severity, but you come under the divine kindness, provided you adhere to that kindness. Otherwise, you will be cut away too.
23 And even the others will be grafted in, if they do not adhere to their unbelief; God can graft them in again.
24 For if you have been cut from an olive which is naturally wild, and grafted, contrary to nature, upon a garden olive, how much more will the natural branches be grafted into their proper olive?