2 A tent was set up, the outer tent, containing the lampstand, the table, and the loaves of the Presence; this is called the Holy place.
3 But behind the second veil was the tent called the Holy of Holies,
4 containing the golden altar of incense, and also the ark of the covenant covered all over with gold, which held the golden pot of manna, the rod of Aaron that once blossomed, and the tablets of the covenant;
5 above this were the cherubims of the Glory, overshadowing the mercy seat — matters which it is impossible for me to discuss at present in detail.
6 Such were the arrangements for worship. The priests constantly enter the first tent, in the discharge of their ritual duties,
7 but the second tent is entered only once a year by the high priest alone — and it must not be without blood, which he presents on behalf of himself and the errors of the People.
8 By this the holy Spirit means that the way into the Holiest Presence was not disclosed so long as the first tent