52 Which of the prophets did your fathers fail to persecute? They killed those who announced beforehand the coming of the Just One. And here you have betrayed him, murdered him! —
53 you who got the Law that angels transmitted, and have not obeyed it!"
54 When they heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him.
55 He, full of the holy Spirit, gazed up at heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at God's right hand.
56 "Look," he said, "I see heaven open and the Son of man standing at God's right hand!"
57 With a loud shriek they shut their ears and rushed at him like one man.
58 Putting him outside the city, they proceeded to stone him (the witnesses laid their clothes at the feet of a youth called Saul).
59 So they stoned Stephen, who called on the Lord, saying, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!"
60 Then he knelt down and cried aloud, "Lord, let not this sin stand against them!" With these words he slept the sleep of death.