1 Corinthians 5:1-6

Moffatt(i) 1 It is actually reported that there is immorality among you, and immorality such as is unknown even among pagans — that a man has taken his father's wife! 2 And yet you are puffed up! You ought much rather to be mourning the loss of a member! Expel the perpetrator of such a crime! 3 For my part, present with you in spirit though absent in body, I have already, as in your presence, passed sentence on such an offender as this, 4 by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ; I have met with you in spirit, and by the power of our Lord Jesus 5 I have consigned that individual to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, in order that his spirit may be saved on the Day of the Lord Jesus. 6 Your boasting is no credit to you. Do you not know that a morsel of dough will leaven the whole lump?