1 And he shewed me Iesua the hye priest, standynge before the angell of the Lorde, and Satan stode at hys ryghte hande to resiste hym.
2 And the Lorde sayde vnto Satan: The Lorde reproue the (thou Satan) yea the Lorde that hath chosen Ierusalem, reproue the. Is not thys a brande taken out of the fyre?
3 Nowe Iesua was clothed in vnclean rayment, and stode before the aungel:
4 whiche aunswered and sayde vnto those, that stode before hym: take awaye the foule clothes from him. And vnto hym he sayd: Beholde, I haue taken away thy synne from the, and wil decke the with chaunge of rayment.
5 He sayde moreouer: set a fayre myter vpon his head. So they set a fayre myter vpon hys heade, and put on clothes vpon hym, and the aungel of the Lorde stode there.