4 Thou art pleasaunt (O my loue) euen as louelynesse it self, thou art fayre as Ierusalem, glorious as an army of men, with their banners.
5 (Turne awaye thyne eyes fro me, for thei make me to proude.) Thy heery lockes are lyke a flocke of goates vpon the mount of Galaad.
6 Thy teth are like a flocke of shepe that be clypped, which go out of the wasshyng place: where euery one beareth twoo twynes, and not one vnfruteful among them.
7 Thy chekes are lyke a pece of pomegranate besydes that which lyeth hyd within.
8 There are thre score Quenes, foure score concubines, & yong women without numbre.
9 But one is my doue, my derling. She is the onely beloued of her mother, and deare vnto her that bare her. When the daughters sawe her, they sayde, she was blessed: Yea the Quenes and concubynes praysed her.
10 What is she this, that pepeth out as the mornynge? fayre as the moone, excellent as the sunne, glorious as an army of men with their baners.