16 & saying: alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in raines, & purple, and scarlet, & decked wt gold, & precious stones, & pearles,
17 for at one hour so great riches is come to nought. And euery shyp gouerner, & al they that occupied shippes, & shipmen which worke in the sea, stode a farre of
18 & cried, when they saw the smoke of her burninge, sayinge: what citie is lyke vnto this great citie?
19 And they cast duste on their heades, & cried weping, & wailing, & said: Alas, alas the greate citye wherin were made riche al that had shippes in the sea, by the reason of her costlines, for at one houre is she made desolate.
20 Reioice ouer her thou heauen, and ye holy Apostles, & prophetes: for God hath geuen your iudgemente on her.
21 And a mighty angel toke vp a stone lyke a greate mylstone, & cast it into the sea, saying: wyth such violence shal that greate citie Babilon be caste, and shalbe found no more.
22 And the voice of harpers, & musicions, and of pipers, & trompeters, shalbe hearde no more in the, and no craftes man, of whatsoeuer crafte he be, shalbe founde any more in the, & the sound of a myl, shalbe hard no more in the,
23 and the voice of the brydegrome and of the bryde, shalbe hard no more in the, for thy marchauntes were the greate men of the earth. And wt thyne inchauntment were deceiued al nacions,
24 & in her was found the bloud of the prophetes, and of the sainctes and of al that were slayne vpon the earth.