2 And the beaste whych I sawe, was lyke a cat of the mountayne, and hys fete were as the fete of a beare, and his mouth as the mouth of a Lyon. And the dragon gaue him hys power and hys seale, and great authorytye,
3 & I sawe one of his heades as it were wounded to death and his deadlye wounde was healed. And al the worlde wondred at the beaste,
4 & they worshipped the dragon, which gaue power vnto the beaste, and they worshipped the beast saiynge: who is lyke vnto the beast? who is able to warre with him?
5 And there was mouth geuen vnto hym, that spake greate thinges and blasphemies, and power was geuen vnto hym, to do .xlij. monethes.
6 And he opened hys mouth vnto blasphemy agaynste God, to blaspheme hys name, and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heauen.
7 And it was geuen vnto hym to make warre wyth the Saynctes, and to ouercome them. And power was geuen hym ouer al kynredes, tonges and nacions,
8 and al that dwel vpon the earth worshipte him, whose names are not written in the boke of lyfe of the lambe, which was killed from the beginning of the worlde.
9 Yf any man haue an eare, let hym heare.
10 He that leadeth into captiuitie shal go into captiuitie, he that kylleth wt a sweard, must be kylled wyth a sweard. Here is the pacience and the fayth of the sainctes.
11 And I behelde another beast commyng vp out of the earth, and he had two hornes lyke a lambe, and he spake as dyd the dragon.
12 And he, dyd al that the fyrste beast could do in his presence, and he caused the earth, and them which dwel therin, to worship the fyrst beast, whose deadly wounde was healed.