1 To the chaunter, for by Iduthun a Psalme of Dauyd. My soule wayteth onely vpon God, for of hym commeth my helpe.
2 He only is my strength, my saluation, my defence, so that I shal not greatly fall.
3 How longe wyll ye ymagyn myschiefe agaynste euerye man? ye shalbe slayne all the sorte of you: yea as a tottrynge wall shall ye be, and lyke a broken hedge.
4 Their deuyce is only how to put hym out, their delite is in lyes: they geue good wordes wyth their mouth, but curse wyth the herte. Selah.
5 Neuerthelesse, my soule abideth only vpon God, for he is my God.
6 He only is my strength my saluacion, and my defence: so that I shall not fal.