1 To the chaunter in Neginoth, an instruccyon of Dauyd, when the Zephytes came and sayed vnto Saul: Dauid is hydde amongest vs. Helpe me (O God) for thy names sake, and deliuer me in thy strength.
2 Heare my prayer (O God) considre the wordes of my mouth.
3 For straungers are rysen vp agaynst me, and the mighty (which haue not God before their eyes) seke after my soule. Selah.
4 But lo, God is my helper: it is he that vpholdeth my soule.
5 He shall reward euel vnto myne enemies and in thy trueth shalt thou destroy them.
6 A fre will offerynge will I geue the, and prayse thy name O Lorde, because it is so comfortable.
7 For thou hast deliuered me out of all my trouble, so that myne eye seith his desire vpon myne enemyes.