6 They that put their trust in their good, & boast theym selfes in the multitude of theyr ryches.
7 No man may deliuer his brother, nor make agrement vnto hym for God.
8 For it costeth more to redeme their soules so that he must let that alone for euer.
9 Yea, though he liue longe, and se not the graue.
10 For it shalbe sene, that such wyse men shal dye and perysh together, as wel as the ignoraunt and folysh, and leue their goodes for other.
11 Loke what is in their houses, it contynueth still: their dwellyng places endure from one generacion to another, and are called after their owne names vpon the earth.
12 Neuerthelesse man abydeth not in suche honour, but is compared vnto the brute beastes, and becommeth lyke vnto them.
13 This waye of theirs is very folyshnesse, and yet their posteritie prayse it wyth theyr mouth. Selah.
14 They lye in the hell like shepe, death shall gnawe vpon theim, and the righteous shall haue dominacion of theim in the mornynge by tymes: their strength shall consume, and hell shalbe their dwellynge.