10 Herken (O daughter) considre, & enclyne thyne eare: forget thyne owne people, & thy fathers house.
11 So shall the kynge haue pleasure in thy beuty, for he is thy Lorde, & thou shalte worshyp hym.
12 The daughters of Tire shalbe there with gyftes, the ryche amonge the people shall make their supplication before the.
13 The kynges daughter is all glorious within, her clothyng is of wrought golde.
14 She shalbe brought vnto the kyng in rayment of nedle worke, & maidens after her: such as be next her shalbe brought vnto the.
15 Wyth ioye and gladnesse shall they be brought, & go into the kynges palace.
16 In steade of thy fathers thou hast gotten chyldren, whome thou shalt make princes in all landes.