Psalms 115:7-13

Matthew(i) 7 They haue handes, and handle not, fete haue they, but they cannot goo, neyther can they speake thorow their throte. 8 They that made them, are lyke vnto them and so are all suche as put theyr truste in them. 9 But let Israell trust in the Lorde, for he is their succoure and defence. 10 Let the house of Aaron put their truste in the Lorde for he is their succoure and defence 11 They that feare the Lorde, lette them put their trust in the Lord, for he is their succour and defence. 12 The Lorde is myndfull of vs, and blesseth vs: he blesseth the house of Israel, he blesseth the house of Aaron. 13 Yea he blesseth al them that feare the Lord both smale and great.