9 Let hys chyldren be fatherlesse, and hys wyfe a wydowe.
10 Let his children be vagabaundes, and bege their breade: lette them seke it, as they that be destroyed.
11 Let the extorcioner consume al that he hath and let straungers spoyle his laboure.
12 Let ther be no man to pytye, ner to haue compassyon vpon his fatherles chyldren.
13 Let hys ende be destruccyon, & in the next generacion let his name be cleane put oute.
14 Let the wickednesse of his fathers be had in remembraunce in the syght of the Lorde & and let not the synne of hys mother be done awaye.
15 Let them alway be before the Lorde, but as for the memoryall of them selues, let it perysh from out of the earth.