13 But within a whyle they forgat his workes, and wold not abyde his councel.
14 A lust came vpon them in the wildernesse, so that they tempted God in the deserte.
15 Yet he gaue them their desire, and sent them ynough at their wylles.
16 They angred Moyses in the tentes, & Aaron the saynct of the Lord.
17 So the earth opened & swalowed vp Dathan, & couered the congregatyon of Abyram.
18 The fyre was kyndled in their companie, the flamme brent vp the vngodly.
19 They made a calfe in Horeb, and worshipped the molten ymage.
20 Thus they turned their glorye into the similitude of a calfe, that eateth hay.
21 They forgat God their Sauiour, whyche had done so greate thynges in Egypte.
22 Wonderous workes in the land of Ham and fearful thynges in the read sea.