Proverbs 4:1-27

Matthew(i) 1 Heare, O ye children, the fatherly exhortation, and take good hede, that ye maye learne wysdome. 2 Yea I shall geue you a good rewarde, if ye wyll not for sake my lawe. 3 For when I my selfe was my fathers deare sonne, and tenderlye beloued of my mother, 4 he taughte me also, saiyng: Let thyne herte receaue my wordes, kepe my commaundementes, and thou shalt lyue. 5 Get the wysdome, get the vnderstanding forget not the wordes of my mouth, & shrinke not from them. 6 Forsake her not, she shall preserue the: loue her, and she shal kepe the. 7 The chyefe poynte of wisdom is, that thou be willing to optayne wysdome, and before all thy goodes to gett the vnderstandynge. 8 Make muche of her and she shall promote the: Yea if thou embrace her, she shall brynge the vnto honoure. 9 She shall make the a gracyous head, and garnyshe the wyth a crowne of glorye. 10 Heare my sone, and receyue my wordes, that the yeares of thy lyfe maye be many. 11 I wyll shewe the, the waye of wysdome, and leade the in the ryght pathes, 12 So that if thou goost therin, ther shall not straytenesse hynder the and when thou runnest thou shalte not fall, 13 Take fast holde of doctryne, let her not go: kepe her, for she is thy lyfe. 14 Come not in the path of the vngodly, and walke not in the waye of the wycked. 15 Eschue it, and go not therein: departe a syde, and passe ouer by it. 16 For they can not slepe, except they haue first done some myschefe: neither take they anye rest, except they haue fyrst done some harme 17 For they eate the breade of wickednesse, and dryncke the wyne of robberye. 18 The path of the ryghtuous shyneth as the lyghte, and is euer brighter and brighter vnto the perfecte daye. 19 But the waye of the vngodly is as the darcknes, wherin men fal, or thei be aware. 20 My sonne, marcke my words, and encline thyne eare vnto my saiynges. 21 Let them not depart from thine eyes, kepe them euen in the myddest of thyne herte. 22 For they are lyfe vnto all those that fynde them, and health vnto all their bodyes. 23 Kepe thyne herte wyth all dilygence, for there vpon hangeth lyfe. 24 Put awaye from the a frowarde mouth, and let the lippes of sclander be farre from the. 25 Let thyne eyes beholde the thinge that is righte, and let thine eye liddes loke straight before the. 26 Pondre the path of thy fete, so shal al thy waies be sure. 27 Turne not a side, neither to the righte hande ner to the lefte, but withholde thy fote from euel.