Proverbs 18:16-24

Matthew(i) 16 Liberalitye bryngeth a man to honoure and worship, and setteth him among great men. 17 The rightuous accuseth hym selfe firste of al, if his neyghbour come, he shal fynd him. 18 The lot pacifieth the variaunce, and parteth the mighty a sunder. 19 The vnitie of brethren is stronger then a castel, and they that hold together are like the barre of a palayce. 20 A mans belly shalbe satisfied wyth the fruyte of hys owne mouthe, and wyth the increase of hys lyppes shall he be fylled. 21 Death & lyfe stand in the power of the tong, he that loueth it shal enioy the frute thereof. 22 Who so fyndeth a wyfe fyndeth a good thynge, and receyueth an wholsome benefyte of the Lord. 23 The poore maketh supplicacyon & prayeth mekelye, but the ryche geueth a rough aunswere. 24 A frende that delyteth in loue, doeth a man more frenshyppe, and stycketh faster vnto hym then a brother.